Nearly $110 million in permitted projects in Mitchell means 2023 was a big year for building

MITCHELL — With the end of 2023, Mitchell’s building permit project value nearly reached $110 million, a record for the city.
According to the monthly reports filed to the Mitchell City Council, $109,689,512 in projects were reported to the city in 287 building permits for 2023. That is $80 million more than what was reported from 2022.
There are two major outlier projects from 2023 that help bolster the numbers: a new Mitchell High School facility, which was listed at nearly $37 million, and a $20.6 million expansion at Performance Pet Products for its pet food production facility on East Havens Avenue.
“It’s a great sign of good things happening,” Mitchell Area Development Corporation CEO Geri Beck said. “There’s the two outliers with the high school and Performance Pet. But both of those are great projects for our community and I think that sets up the opportunity for more growth alongside those.”